Monday, June 18, 2007

On hard-working music makers

I went down to 6th street with a friend of mine from Dallas in town for the weekend and we followed a gaggle of her girlfriends down to all sorts of clubs that I've never gone to (and probably won't again). They wanted to dance, but oddly enough shot down all my (great) recommendations on good spots to dance (William recommends: Red Fez, Firehouse Lounge, and even the Chuggin' Monkey when DJ Gen Eric is playing). We ended up at 4 different clubs, finally ending the evening at Pure, a nightclub on the east-most tip of 6th.

So this club is, in all fairness, bad-ass looking. The first two floors are all blue-lit including a giant blue bar and everything else is bleach white. The third/fourth floors (you'll just have to go and see why the slash is there) are all red -lit with mahogany dark wood instead of white plastic and vinyl. The DJ there, DJ Silver, is they same guy who spins at Vicci (AVOID THAT PLACE LIKE IT WAS FILLED WITH HAIRY, MANGY, PLAGUE-RATS!) but I really can't hold it against him as he was spinning some amazing tunes. As a DJ myself, I had to go up there and talk with him as soon as I heard the first song as I walk in the door (after getting no hassle from the doorman as I walk in amid a party of 7 20-something Asian girls - imagine that, hmmmm).

As I try to get a drink from the poor, dying bartenders - oh? Did I forget to mention that this almost 4 story club has ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING AIR CONDITIONING? Silly me... if you run a brick and mortar drinking establishment in the state of Texas, in the middle of the summer, you'd better have some way to make the air in your place of business feel better than the air outside, otherwise you're a cheap bastard that ought to be dragged out in the street, robbed, then kicked in the groin, then lit on fire so that you can feel what it's like to be at your own club. Regardless, the first song I hear is a good, De La Soul feat. Flava Flav rhyme into early Jay-Z over a melody that's nagging at my brain stem. I know I've heard the song providing the melody before, but where? Wait... it that? No! The DJ has successfully mixed De La Soul, Flava Flav, and Jay-Z with a slightly faster version of Toto's Africa. It is amazing.

I go upstairs. I go up to the DJ. I tell him that that was the shit and it's amazing that that even worked. He tells me that I should hear the next mix. I buy him a drink for doing a great job of mixing Felix Da Housecat with the chorus (at about 25x speed) from Oasis' Wonderwall. This is good music. This stuff is hard to do well. It was danceable and for all intents and purposes, probably shouldn't have been. But it was. It's so much cooler, so much more difficult than the emo, psuedo-indie, psudo-punk stuff you kids listen to that you should throw away all your records (just having stuff on vinyl doesn't make you cool only because it's a semi-dead medium, it should be good music that's pressed) and go to a club and just listen.

It might smear your boyfriend's mascara, but dancing to it wouldn't kill you either. Stop sitting there judging people's dancing because you're to scared to do it. We're the ones judging you - after all, it's our job.

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